The Maughan Family

Living a life full of happiness, joy, hard work, and love. We are just 2 people. 2 people who found each other. 2 people who fell in love. 2 people who enjoy life, God, working, learning, and each other. We are the Maughan's join us in our pursuit for the best life EVER! LIVE ON!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Adventure begins...

Juneau. Juneau, Alaska. Joe and I and Juneau, Alaska. Was this really happening? I said it over and over again inside my head.

Yes, it really did happen. It happened December 28th 2010.
Sometimes when I wake up I have to remind myself where I am. Juneau. Juneau, Alaska. Joe and I are in Juneau, Alaska.
I was afraid at first. I feel like when I was younger I was fearless. But life changes and along with life, so do I. I am not as fearless as I use to be. I was afraid of what people would think of me, would they like me? Would Joe and I have friends? I was afraid of work, of a new job, and the expectations that I would have to meet. I was afraid of leaving my family and friends so far behind me. I new I would get homesick. The fear continued to build and build. But with a little bit of faith and some encouragement from my daddy and my sweet and wonderful husband Joe, I managed to swallow that fear…more or less forced onto the plane leaving for Alaska.
I wasn’t just afraid though, I had many emotions pumping through my veins: excitement, happiness, adventure, and hope. It was all so intense, so thrilling.
As our plane prepared for our descent into Juneau, my heart began to beat so fast. Faster, b-boom, b-boom. And faster, b-boom, b-boom, b-boom. This was it, this was no dream; I was fully awake and aware of my surroundings. We were now landing, and through the fog I saw what was waiting for me, and I fell in love.

It’s been about a month and a half since Joe and I arrived to Juneau. I remember that first day as the plane came out of the fog; I caught a glimpse of the beauty that was unfolding in front of me. It was not only the beauty that I saw through my eyes as we glided through the air towards the ground; but the beauty of being with my husband and the amazing opportunity to grow with him and draw closer to him; just Joe and I on an adventure together; away from everything but Alaska and ourselves.

And so far that is what it has been for us: an opportunity for us to grow together and as individuals. It has been a blessing, a gift from above that we could come here to beautiful Alaska.

After Joe and I got off of the plane we went to Grandma’s Featherbed, which is a beautiful, cozy hotel with a restaurant inside it. This was our home for about ten days until we moved into Mel Perkin’s home. Mel Perkin’s and his wife are incredible people; they are the ones who gave us a job working at Grandma’s Featherbed. We live in the Perkins’ upstairs loft. It is a cute and comfy little place we like to call home. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun adventure you are having!! and seriously ,that place is adorable!! I miss you so much and I think that the next time you are in town we should play for sure! We really need to catch up! I'm so happy that you found the man of your dreams and that you are having a great time with him on the other side of the world (I know it's not that far, but it seems that far)! I miss you and love you! It will be fun to keep up with eachother via blog! Let me know if you need my blog adress! love you so much more than the whole world wide and the whole world!
